Saturday, December 26, 2009

Belkin G Plus Mimo How Do I Put A Password On My Wireless Router? It's A Belkin G-Plus MIMO B6D398?

How do I put a password on my wireless router? It's a Belkin G-Plus MIMO B6D398? - belkin g plus mimo

I've used for years, but I am sure that my street all my internet is being downloaded. I looked in the manual and tried to use the software, but could not find a way to secure my router. Any help much appreciated:)


Leo D said...

look in your router an IP address is not within the top of the browser, without http or www.

Connect an Ethernet cable from the router to your laptop or computer, but Stilll Make sure your Internet connection and enter the IP address is changed as a sign of your browser UR No Username Password everything underneith ur router but if you your username n password does not work or have a pencil in the reset button on ur router then as above slide

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