Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mitchum For Men Is Mitchum For Men Deoodorant Tested On Animals?

Is Mitchum for Men deoodorant tested on animals? - mitchum for men

All health and beauty products are tested on animals, long before they reach the market. This means that the Easter Bunny and Tweety and little Fido.

Where were you?


twilight... said...

I wonder if sometimes, check the label as "not tested on animals." The next time you deodorant in the Notes section.

Low-Ten said...

.. I hope Animals usually smell pretty bad .. it could be a deodorant

Missouri Crush said...

Some men are dogs, which, technically speaking, the answer is yes.

Missouri Crush said...

Some men are dogs, which, technically speaking, the answer is yes.

Missouri Crush said...

Some men are dogs, which, technically speaking, the answer is yes.


YOU IS NOT KNO I've seen some on my dog to see if it worked last nite and I still feel like the dog .... Dufus ..

nerdjoey... said...

It is rubbed on the shoulders of the animals

William R said...

cogens IAH came for the lulz hear

Tiffy said...

plz do not

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