All the symptoms of hypothyroid, but the test is negative? - hypothyroid symptoms more condition_symptoms
I have all the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism, so my doctor has a blood test but the test shows that I have a thyroid problem, there are something like a thyroid problem, but it's something else?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hypothyroid Symptoms More Condition_symptoms All The Symptoms Of Hypothyroid, But The Test Is Negative?
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Since the thyroid can quickly over a period of 24 hours to change, probably @ the time of his blood was not functioning normally. I ask the doctor, a re-test. Have you tried to find a good healer? You can use iridology to know what the thyroid gland and a number of other issues without invasive tests.
My sister has the same problem with a stop / start of the thyroid.
Did your doctor just to test TSH levels? Or had to do a large group of the thyroid gland? Many 's Dr. treat their patients for hypothyroidism TSH levels alone, and not on symptoms. Just think of what Dr. "is happening in front of this progress, the laboratory's done? There were no blood tests for levels of TSH, as Dr. 's prescription drugs, and these gradually reported on symptoms of patients.
Patient: "Lord, I feel very tired all the time, weight gain for no reason, my voice is hoarse and my hair is suddenly dry and brittle."
Dr: "Hmmm, sounds like the classic thyroid failure. Take these pills for a couple of weeks, then see how he feels."
Two weeks later .........
Patient: Do you feel better, but still not 100%.
Dr: Allright you increase your dose of 1 / 2 a pill every two weeks until you feel normal. Good luck, see you next year! "
That's how he went to some of my older relatives, butRI is a blood test every six weeks and the Dr. 's who believe, even if my prices to improve, to be my correct dose. But I feel like cr @ p!
What is a good question!
I had the same experience as you. That's what happened.
Four years ago I started to visit three times a year with Dr. symptoms of hypoglycaemia, all normal, they said.
At one point I found a lump in my throat, thryoid is normal, but I had a goiter, and Hashimoto. This encouraged them to put on thyroid medication, as some believe, it helps to bolster.
When I saw a specialist tool that all results of blood tests in recent years, he realized that even if he is in "normal" or "euthyroid" which was greatly increased in the areas of normal, showing she had something for wrong for a while. Mmmmm
Then, early last year, my fatigue a tragic turn for the first time I had taken the hiccups, although drugs, and they should be duplicated!
I think you really have a thyroid problem. It is very important, recently changed the line "what is normal and what is hypoglycemia, some pathology laboratories are still workingthe old country! The work of Mr. Cabot thryoid mention these new lines, compared to your last blood test!
Therapist natual are also very good in the treatment of thryoid, if you hold, beaten by a visit to the DR. I GEAT a doctor in Sydney, the doctor of the action is, of course, is an ideal combo for health care.
Yessirree knows what has created millions of thyroid patients have been known lice TSH test - a "normal" laboratory results in the face of the clear symptoms of hypothyroidism. Why? Since TSH is a pituitary hormone, not the ability of thyroid hormones for the thyroid right, all their cells. Therefore, it is normal for May, years before rises high enough to reveal his hypothyroidism.
Here is a page on the TSH and why it is very bad; ...
And guess what happens when you lose your diagnosis? They play great adrenals kick in time to keep. Therefore, finally fell in the adrenal fatigue - a terrible place, to now trying to resolve this problem.
Here is a page about adrenal fatigue: ...
In fact, you really need to be familiar with the entire site on the previous pages. It's called Stop the Madness thyroid and is compiled by activists Janie Bowthorpe thyroid patients.This is a site that my life because it explains why it has changed the case, what you really Laboratories ( need ... and what medicines you need, with the end (http://www. / nat ...
There is also a book with the same name, which I highly recommend. An entire website, but not much more detail and is easier to refer. You will see mentioned on the website or go here: Patients call the Bible thyroid treatment.
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